Why Should You Do This Free Meditation Course?

Meditation is not only meant to calm you. It is a way to bring perspective, meaning and health into your life.

Doing this meditation course will help you to:

  • Start a journey of self-awareness. There is nothing more rewarding that learning to be a friend to yourself.

  • Learn a way to live with less longing and more contentment.

  • Find a way to relax while just being you, without needing too much from the world or people around.

  • Discover a life-changing perspective and practice.

Discover Healing From Within Through Meditation

Learn to embrace stillness, cultivate self-awareness, and unlock the power of healing that is already within you.
Join the Meditation Made Simple Course Now

What Will You Learn In This Course?

  1. How mindfulness meditation translates into improved mental health

  2. Why turning for answers within instead of outwards can bring peace

  3. How to regularly practice mindfulness in daily life

  4. How to meditate with the awareness of posture and correct breathing instructions

  5. How to use guided audio meditations to support your practice

  6. What are the fundamental pillars of mindfulness meditation practice and how to apply them in your life?

Who Will Benefit From This Course?

Meditation and self-awareness is for everyone. If you are going through any of the challenges listed below, you will find the practice of mindfulness meditation particularly helpful

  • Stress in Life and at Work

    If you are often stressed, mindfulness meditation can help regulate your nervous system. It can help reduce the stress response in the body bringing a sense of balance and ease

  • Relationship Struggles

    If you are navigating a difficult relationship with a parent, a partner or anyone else, mindfulness can support by helping you cultivate the ability to let go and stay compassionate to yourself and others.

  • Chronic Pain or Health Issues

    If you are dealing with health related difficulties, often there is deep imbalance in the mind and body. Mindfulness meditation can improve the possibility of healing by activating the part of the nervous system responsible for creating rest and balance.

  • Life Challenges and Setbacks

    If you are going through a setback or a challenging time, turning inwards for inner support and finding resources within is crucial. Mindfulness can help by providing a way to become centered amidst the chaos.

  • Anxiety/Other Difficult Emotions

    If you are dealing with anxiety, fear, grief or any other overwhelming emotion, you may feel stuck in a loop of mental stories and feelings. Mindfulness can provide ways to manage these thoughts and emotions.

  • Sense of Meaninglessness

    If you are going through a sense of meaninglessness or purposelessness, which is common at certain points of time in life, mindfulness meditation can help you uncover the deep underlying unease and work through it.

What Will I Get From This Meditation Course?

Some long-term benefits of the 'Meditation Made Simple' course

  • Guided meditations and all tools that can help you establish and sustain a regular meditation practice

  • A clear understanding of why you are practicing mindfulness meditation and the science behind it

  • An opportunity to be part of the Inner Space Community, ask your questions and share insights with like minded people

Start Your Meditation Practice Today For Free

Bring ease and wellbeing into your life

Experience Of Our Past Participants

I attended 8 week mindfulness course, led by Sadia, who is an insightful and excellent teacher. The course was well designed to help us start our journey towards knowing ourselves better, and definitely helped us staying and dealing with our emotions in a constructive way. Mindfulness brings awareness and staying in the present is one of my biggest takeaways from the course. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to know themselves better and want to know how to deal with emotions.”

Rachana Shah

I did Sadia’s 8 week mindfulness course and absolutely loved it. The knowledge and insight given, has been extremely useful when applied to my daily life.Sadia makes the course very personal and patiently attends, to all the needs of her participants. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to indulge deeply into learning more about the self and the mind/body connection.

Sana Saeed

I had struggled with anxiety and mental health issues for several months before I joined Sadia’s course. Her explanation on what is going on inside our head and body helped me to approach my condition from a brand new perspective. Throughout the 8 weeks, I learned to look at things from a new angle and also to accept things much easier. I highly recommend this course to anyone who’s going through a tough time in life and have difficulties processing the day to day stress / anxiety.

Csaba Wagner

Absolutely loved the Self-Compassion Retreat conducted last month in person in Bombay. It was everything that I had hoped for: intimate group, vulnerable sharing, insightful discussions, and the space to contradict or feel differently and still be respected and accepted. Sadia conducted an excellent session; her stage presence and facilitation skills are great! Look forward to more such sessions and also their 8 week mindfulness course in 2023.

Sneha Bhat

I absolutely love the work they do. Their 8 week mindfulness program is the highlight of their work and is deeply recommended. I have also attended many small meaningful workshops conducted by them that have immensely helped me.

Nyela Kapadia

The 8 week mindfulness course has been a good experience. The weekly call was very useful and Sadia is a very calming presence. She is a patient teacher and the online resources help immensely. The videos are handpicked with a lot of thought and strengthen the daily practice for the week. Mindfulness has helped to improve resilience and tolerance to stressful situations.

Saurabh Raye

This course really helps to connect with your innerself and changes your perspective about suffering and dissatisfaction which is a universal phenomenon. Sadia, founder of Inner Space and the program facilitator along with her team are patient and understanding of your emotions which you will experience during the course. It is a must for anyone who wants to truly live in the moment and experience absolute happiness irrespective of the challenges they are facing in life.

Divvya Verma

Have had the pleasure of attending the Day Long Retreat guided by Ms. Sadia Saeed and conducted by Inner Space. It was every bit of what you would expect a mediation retreat to offer and more. Ms. Sadia is such kind and gentle lady that her presence would do wonders to your spirit. This Day Long Retreat was a beautiful experience amidst the hustle bustle of the city and I would love to be a part of it again and gain more calm and knowledge. Would highly recommend this to everyone who is in search of a mediation teacher or just venturing into the world of mindfulness. ”


Their 8 week course is absolutely life changing. It's a whole new perspective into spiritualism. Mindfulness is probably one of the best things I've come across for self help.


Sadia (and her team) are a blessing to all of us struggling with the inevitable real universal pain of life and our fabricated stories around it. The ease with which she unravels the mindfulness course makes a participant feel safe and eventually peels layers of his true self over the weeks that literally changes the behaviour and more importantly the approach in thinking. From delusion to reality, the journey is through the mind that can understand concepts and the body that can learn only through practice each week, with Sadia as the silent catalyst in making this transformation.”


Course Instructor:

Sadia Saeed: Psychologist and Mindfulness Meditation Trainer

Sadia is the founder of Inner Space Counseling. She has been a psychologist for the past 23 years and a meditation practitioner for the past 15 years. Through her mindfulness meditation courses, group trainings, and therapeutic interventions for individuals and organizations, she and her team have contributed to the well-being and personal growth of more than 1,00,000 people over the last 2 decades. Sadia's distinctive approach lies in the fusion of best practices from the fields of psychotherapy and neuroscience along with wisdom from Eastern philosophies, which include Advaita Vedanta, Buddhist psychology, Yoga, and Sufism. By combining these diverse perspectives she is able to offer a holistic, scientific, secular, and culturally inclusive approach to mental health and wellbeing that enables people to live meaningful, happy, and healthy lives.

Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome to Meditation Made Simple

    2. Introduction: Starting Your Journey Inwards

    3. How To Go Through The Course

    4. Come Say Hello

    5. Before You Begin

    6. Reading Resource: First Few Steps to Mindfulness

    1. How To Use the Guided Meditations?

    2. Short Breathing Meditation Practice

    3. Long Breathing Meditation Practice

    4. Support Material for Meditation

    1. Chapter 1 Overview

    2. The Human Condition

    3. Checkpoint: Why Turn Inwards

    1. Chapter 2 Overview

    2. Getting Into Right Posture for Meditation

    3. Let's Meditate Together

    4. Checkpoint: Starting Meditation

    1. Chapter 3 Overview

    2. Mindfulness A Powerful Friend and Ally

    3. Checkpoint: Understanding Mindfulness

    1. Chapter 4 Overview

    2. Choosing the Present Deliberately Consciously Repeatedly

    3. Checkpoint: Why Choose the Present

About this course

  • Free
  • 32 lessons


  • Do I need any prior experience with meditation before doing this course?

    No, you do not need any prior experience with meditation. This course is both beginner-friendly and helpful for meditation practitioners who wish yo understand the practice better and make it a regular part of their lives.

  • How much time commitment will be required to complete this course?

    As long as you are going through the course, 15 to 20 minutes a day for a week or two will suffice. Once the course is over, you can continue to use the guided meditations in order to establish a regular practice.

  • Will there be any live sessions as a part of this course?

    There are no live sessions in this course. This is an on-demand course, which means you can go through it at your own convenience, as quickly or as slowly as you wish, with no time constraints.

  • Can I ask questions or clarify doubts that I may have?

    This course comes along with a membership for the Inner Space community, which is also free of cost. You can ask questions and clarify your doubts in the community forum. The community is created for the purpose of sharing and addressing doubts that may be related to the area of mental health and meditation.

  • Is there a certificate upon completion?

    There is no certificate upon completion of this course, as this is a very basic and short course on meditation that can help you quickly and effectively understand the important concepts and start a meditation practice.

  • Is this course completely free or are there any hidden charges?

    This course is completely free and has been created with the intent of helping people start or sustain their meditation practice in as few steps as possible.